Source: © YouTube / © King Records / © khara
Party Rock Anthem Has The Same BPM As The Neon Genesis Evangelion Opening
- Tags:
- Anime / BPM / Funny / LMFAO / Mashup / Music / Neon Genesis Evangelion / Party Rock Anthem / Twitter
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So Party Rock Anthem has the same BPM as the Evangelion Opening
If you're a fan of Neon Genesis Evangelion, then the version of it's classic opening "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" you have in your head may be the all new high definition edit recently released by King's Records. However, over the years you may have noticed a slew of mashups of the song and other footage that may or may not sync up so well. Twitter user Josejusejo may have found a mashup recipe that fits like a glove, however, pointing out that the popular Evangelion opening song and LMFAO's "Party Rock Anthem" share an almost identical BPM (beats per minute).
Judging from the comments, many fans of the anime wish they could have unseen this coincidence. Although if you feel like you wish to leave the memories of your favorite anime opening alone, you can wash them away with the mashup done in reverse!