Source: @konel_bread
Japanese baking artist cooks up chocolate bread buff bear bodybuilders for Valentine’s Day
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You may remember talented "bread illustration artist" Ran (@konel_bread) for her awesome baked goods that cleverly recreate her son's drawings.
Recently Ran attracted a lot of praise for her "buff bear bread bodybuilders", who of course com packing sausage for extra protein.
Just in time for Valentine's Day, Ran has decided to give the bodybuilding bread bears a sweet twist by coating them in chocolate and swapping their sausage with a banana. The result is just as adorable and tasty looking as last time.
Source: @konel_bread
Source: @konel_bread
Several have commented saying that the shiny chocolate coating resembles a bodybuilder's tan, fitting for the ripped bread bears.
For more awesome bread art, be sure to follow Ran on Twitter and Instagram.