On 13th February, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake took place in Fukushima and Miyagi prefecture. As scary as the earthquake was, some Japanese people are making light of the situation by enjoying cute and funny pet reactions to the shake, caught on camera by their quick owners.

Source: @archie_jp

This cat’s adorable reaction is almost cartoon-like. It looks as though he jumped up and held on to his scratching post for dear life, and his eyes are wide with fright. As the original tweet says, it’s a ‘textbook reaction’.

Of course, a cat would be scared by a sudden and unexplained shake, and honestly it’s a pretty relatable reaction for anyone who’s been caught in an earthquake. But the next photo shows an unexpected expression.

As soon as the earthquake finished, the cat suddenly turned to the owner with an accusing glare as if to say, ‘you did this, didn’t you?’

Source: @archie_jp

To a pet, it probably does seem like their owner controls everything around them, so maybe it isn’t such a logical jump to believe that the quake was just a prank pulled off to give the unsuspecting cat a fright.

Plenty of commenters thanked the uploader for giving them a laugh during a scary time, and reminding us all to plan ahead for our pets too, in case of natural disasters.

By - Jess.