As many dog lovers know, our faithful canine friends can be very alert about our needs and compassionate when we stumble into trouble. Japanese Twitter user @elmo_golret recently got a good example of that, just not quite in the way he expected, when walking his golden retriever Elmo--much to the delight of many on the internet.

While on a walk with Elmo, @elmo_golret took a sudden spill and fell down. Many a touching television segment or viral clip might have you believe that Elmo rushed immediately to his aid or called for help, but Elmo did something else that @elmo_golret couldn’t help but share with a laugh and a caption:

”A dog who beats the hell out of her owner who fell on the stairs (this is called “overkill”).”

Source: @elmo_golret

Elmo did indeed rush to her owner’s side, but did so by tackling him and throwing a fit as if to scold him for being clumsy and having fallen down in the first place. Many in the comments were amused by the almost comic book-esque panel shot, comparing the moment to the stylings of Japanese comedic duos.

Fortunately @elmo_golret wasn’t hurt at all, and perhaps Elmo was worried in her own way. @elmo_golret now knows that the next time they slip, the real injury may come from their own dog, however.

By - grape Japan editorial staff.