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Whether it's accumulated over the years or in one simple brushing session, cat owners are used to having their homes covered in shed fur. Some roll the fur into balls as a keepsake of the cat's growth, while others get creative and turn it into clever hats for their kitties to wear.
Others, like @MiniraDiary, get other ideas. @MiniraDiary, who lives with their minuet Minira, decided to spend some extra time putting the cat's leftover fur to use--and the result is one of the most creative hairball stylings we've seen!
Source: @MiniraDiary
Source: @MiniraDiary
Source: @MiniraDiary
"I made some cat-sized slippers using fur I brushed off of my cat and they're too cute lol. The sense of size...his feet are sticking out...I can't take"
Minira's somehow miniature yet oversized slippers seems the perfect fit, and the short-legged cat pulls them off as if he's lounging on his patio. In a video you can watch the (somewhat uncooperative) process of @MiniraDiary and Minira making the slippers.