Source: @fujidconstruct1
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There's something magical about the combination of cats and boxes, as our feline friends have what seems like a magnetic attraction to fitting into all things cardboard.
Twitter user and @fujidconstruct1 is reminding all of us about that, having constructed a cardboard tank for their adorable black cat--the only problem is that they made an mistake in their blueprints for the tank, and let's just say the cat doesn't quite...fit.
Source: @fujidconstruct1
@fujidconstruct1 says they took up cardboard crafting as a "stay at home" hobby during the pandemic. While they've obviously become an expert at it, a slight underestimation of the opening at he top of the tank has resulted in their cat providing some fantastic comic gold. Many on Twitter were charmed by the tank cat, particularly by how they don't seem to have much of a problem with the mistake.
Source: @fujidconstruct1