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- Neon Dream
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Bright neon lights, serene temples standing amidst lush green trees, tiny alleyways lined with cramped but amazingly delicious yakitori bars... As different as they may seem, they are all part of places you are bound to see while traveling Japan. Foreign visitors are often astounded at the blizzard of scenic variety the country has to offer, and many photographers and cinematographers have taken to the streets of Japan’s cities to capture their unique and at times eclectic beauty.
Source: Vimeo
Venturing to areas far, far away from his homeland of Melbourne, cinematographer Ben Blennerhassett channeled his artistry to create an enchanting video showcasing the myriad facets of Japan he came across during his trip.
In the course of three weeks, he shot footage of his time spent in Tokyo, Nagano, Shibu Onsen, Nagoya, Matsumoto, Kyoto, and Hakone. With an opening quote from Durarara!!, Blennerhassett’s video Neon Dream introduces Japan from his perspective through scenes of nature, temples, crowded cities, and the everyday lives of the locals that will take your breath away.
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