Source: ネコランド(nekoland) (@DOG48181219) - image reproduced with permission
Cats Crash This Online Nomikai
- Tags:
- Cats / Nomikai / Zoom / Zoom happy hour
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Technology has radicalized the way we socialize with friends and family over the last 20 years.
So, luckily, although most countries were not prepared for COVID-19’s sudden global spread in 2020, people have found ways to adapt.
Video conferencing applications like Zoom and the like have allowed many companies to offer more flexibility to employees, allowing them to work from home and avoid going out when unnecessary.
On a personal level, many across the world hold online parties with friends to stay in touch.
In Japan, these gatherings are called ‘online nomikai’ because, well even normal gatherings of employees or friends just going out are called nomikais. Now they’re just online.
Although these events are usually very safe since everyone is in the comfort of their own home, that’s not to say they are without their surprises…
Not Your Average Nomikai
ネコランド (@DOG48181219), hereafter referred to as Nekoland, was at home having an online nomikai with his friends.
After talking for a while, he got up to go to the bathroom.
As he headed back to his living room, he said he heard excited voices coming from his computer.
What he witnessed upon his return was the highlight of his day, he said. Although being stuck at home all day doesn’t set the bar very high…
The Unexpected Participants
Fortunately, Nekoland snapped a few shots before returning to his previously unoccupied seat.
Reproduced with permission from ネコランド(nekoland) (@DOG48181219)
Reproduced with permission from ネコランド(nekoland) (@DOG48181219)
Reproduced with permission from ネコランド(nekoland) (@DOG48181219)
It seems that Nekoland’s cats tried to cover for him while he was indisposed.
Nekoland also said that it seemed his friends were more excited to see his cats than him, so he took his time rejoining and took some shots first.
Good thinking Nekoland!
He uploaded the photos to his Twitter account (@DOG48181219) on December 29, 2020, and has thus far garnered over 418,000 Likes and 62,000 Retweets!
Twitter users were quick to comment on Nekoland’s post:
Besides this incident, Nekoland (@DOG48181219) frequently posts other interesting videos and content of his two cats. You can check out his Twitter page or YouTube Channel for more.