Japanese capsule toy and novelty goods maker Kitan Club appears to be on a mission to prove that you can make a capsule toy out of anything. In the past they've released ham and egg hamster, shiba inu sticking their head through walls, and even rice ball inspired capsule toys. Now the quirky and cute manufacturer is tapping into a heartbreaking bud adorable niche we never knew we wanted: sad doggo shiba inu capsule toys!

The new series gives you a capsule toy of a forlorn shiba inu in a number of "sad doggo" situations. With such a sad look on its face, you'll feel compelled to take one home with you.

Sad because of a medical collar shiba inu

Sad because they got yelled at playing with toilet paper shiba inu

Sad because they couldn't catch the Frisbee shiba inu

Sad because they were told to wait before eating shiba inu

Sad because it started to rain during their walk shiba inu

Sad because they don't want to wear this stupid sweater shiba inu

The sad doggo shiba inu figure series is available throughout Japanese wherever capsule toy dispensers and shops where Kitan Club products are sold for 300 yen a figure.

By - Big Neko.